Basically Carcil comes back home early and he said it’s because his thoughts were running wild. He couldn’t stop questioning why she would hold on to a marriage with a man like him. A man that would go out and cheat on his wife. He said he kept thinking “What if she has a man she already loved before she met me? What if she’s holding on to him and the reason she doesn’t care what I do is because me being a man who’s out and about with other women would make it easier for her to still be with/love the man she truly has feelings for?” (He said all of those thoughts to her). And he even tells her that he knows a bastard like him (man who cheats on his wife) knows he doesn’t have the right to question it, but he can’t help but think she’s in love with someone else (he also said he thinks it’s someone of lower status who maybe couldn’t marry her). And at the end he basically says “Now I’m thinking. What if this is not all because of a PAST lover? Are you planning something?” (Meaning he thinks she has a plan to get with this “past” lover. So the “past” lover is not in the past and forgotten. He’s her “future” lover lol). He obviously has the wrong idea, but he’s not wrong in that she has a plan for the future (getting that divorce and everything) so I think she was shocked that he could tell she has a plan.
This is all just what I could gather. I might be wrong in my interpretation on though.
this translation made absolutely no sense i had to go to tappytoon
My brain was hurting while reading this shit translation
Thank god for the comments. I’d be lost without you, @Attackonfeelings.
The translation isn’t usually this bad? :’)
@Attackonfeelings Thank You because the translation was off.
Odi (RIP)
@ Attackonfeelings THANKS
He’s realizing that she’s planning something, and god…. i hope she will change her mind soon….
Basically Carcil comes back home early and he said it’s because his thoughts were running wild. He couldn’t stop questioning why she would hold on to a marriage with a man like him. A man that would go out and cheat on his wife. He said he kept thinking “What if she has a man she already loved before she met me? What if she’s holding on to him and the reason she doesn’t care what I do is because me being a man who’s out and about with other women would make it easier for her to still be with/love the man she truly has feelings for?” (He said all of those thoughts to her). And he even tells her that he knows a bastard like him (man who cheats on his wife) knows he doesn’t have the right to question it, but he can’t help but think she’s in love with someone else (he also said he thinks it’s someone of lower status who maybe couldn’t marry her). And at the end he basically says “Now I’m thinking. What if this is not all because of a PAST lover? Are you planning something?” (Meaning he thinks she has a plan to get with this “past” lover. So the “past” lover is not in the past and forgotten. He’s her “future” lover lol). He obviously has the wrong idea, but he’s not wrong in that she has a plan for the future (getting that divorce and everything) so I think she was shocked that he could tell she has a plan.
This is all just what I could gather. I might be wrong in my interpretation on though.
This was absolute gibberish
What’s going on
There is some problem with the translation, could not understand anything
I’m so confused y’all 😭