She definitely had a panic attack and hyperventilated enough to faint. The fact that she was holding on to the necklace as the only thing keeping her sane and now someone is using the necklace to mess with her would obviously throw her off and devastate her. She can never get a break 😭
dang this is why being a regressor is so tricky like ofc ines wants to live a life not wanting to be involved with the people from her previous life but at the same time she can’t really disregard the experience of the previous life and it is negatively affecting this current life. She doesn’t really wanna be with Emiliano because welp this life, they “never met” but at the same time, she knows him, she is kinda(?) shackled to the memories of them (of previous life) 🥲🥲🥲 the contradiction is so tricky
jeweler’s dumb af
Emiliano. My heart breaks for him. He’s a pretty strong rival despite him being “dead.”
She definitely had a panic attack and hyperventilated enough to faint. The fact that she was holding on to the necklace as the only thing keeping her sane and now someone is using the necklace to mess with her would obviously throw her off and devastate her. She can never get a break 😭
ugh cliffhanger
dang this is why being a regressor is so tricky like ofc ines wants to live a life not wanting to be involved with the people from her previous life but at the same time she can’t really disregard the experience of the previous life and it is negatively affecting this current life. She doesn’t really wanna be with Emiliano because welp this life, they “never met” but at the same time, she knows him, she is kinda(?) shackled to the memories of them (of previous life) 🥲🥲🥲 the contradiction is so tricky
This is an illegal cliffhanger 😭
Latin Rose
Poor Ines, Emilano ughh 😣 😣 😑.