fr, nobody said that this was wholesome. The ch. where he chased down FL’s brother personally reminded me of a hannibal scene, just like a huntsman & its prey. That’s why I really liked it & yes people can enjoy fictional stories like this but that’s no reason to be scared. If it’s too disturbing for you I’d recommend you to read a lighter story. @IamDestinedToDieFromStress
Lastly, even when “justice” is not served juridically, readers still get that sense of satisfaction they were looking for since the brother did a bunch of people wrong not only Sioana & Étienne. He’s actually human garbage at this point. If she wants to live a serene life & get the upper hand on her estate etc. she needs her brother & Noah out of her life. No matter what it takes.
I. . . Am getting scared 😨. Why is everyone one liking it . I mean not that I mind , but it’s scary how everyone is commenting like it’s some wholesome manhwa, but it’s oddly disturbing.
What’s so wrong with that motherfucker dieing??? Grow up pathetic fl
Fl is is a bitch after all that he did for her why is she like that I hate her so bad
fr, nobody said that this was wholesome. The ch. where he chased down FL’s brother personally reminded me of a hannibal scene, just like a huntsman & its prey. That’s why I really liked it & yes people can enjoy fictional stories like this but that’s no reason to be scared. If it’s too disturbing for you I’d recommend you to read a lighter story. @IamDestinedToDieFromStress
Lastly, even when “justice” is not served juridically, readers still get that sense of satisfaction they were looking for since the brother did a bunch of people wrong not only Sioana & Étienne. He’s actually human garbage at this point. If she wants to live a serene life & get the upper hand on her estate etc. she needs her brother & Noah out of her life. No matter what it takes.
And yeah these disturbing vibes are coming from the 1st chapter dude That’s what makes it so interesting
@IamDestinedToDieFromStress Your username is so true like us fr
Bruh who is saying this is wholesome Lmaooo
I. . . Am getting scared 😨. Why is everyone one liking it . I mean not that I mind , but it’s scary how everyone is commenting like it’s some wholesome manhwa, but it’s oddly disturbing.
I think what he did is right. There was no other option anyway and on top of that the brother was such an asshole. I’m glad he died!
I love this