Oh shit! I wish aa dragon could have showed up right at this moment, kidnapping her and burn everyone else to a crisp!! How detestable!
‘Power is more intoxicating that liquor’ indeed!
They where going to kill her , I guess she doesn’t know …..yet I hope she finds out later , cause little girl is beyond clueless right now …BUT FFS SHE BETTER NOT BECOME AN ACTUAL SAINT BOTH IN MIND AND BODY AND DECIDES YO FORGIVE EVERYONE, SOME PEOPLE DON’T DESERVE FORGIVENESS
I swear these men should understand her situation she’s terrified she doesn’t know what’s going on can you like back the f*ck up and maybe explain to her what’s going on bit by bit in a calm non-threatening voice
Guys… My heart is literally breaking for this poor little girl. On one side the priests would abuse her sisters so she knows they’re corrupt. The other side has the knights that actually killed them
I hope she revenges her sisters if not I’m dropping this
Talerielle Laurel
how about none of these options? they’re all trash, and that’s saying something considering what you think of her previous living situation
Yessir 😭
Oh shit! I wish aa dragon could have showed up right at this moment, kidnapping her and burn everyone else to a crisp!! How detestable!
‘Power is more intoxicating that liquor’ indeed!
They where going to kill her , I guess she doesn’t know …..yet I hope she finds out later , cause little girl is beyond clueless right now …BUT FFS SHE BETTER NOT BECOME AN ACTUAL SAINT BOTH IN MIND AND BODY AND DECIDES YO FORGIVE EVERYONE, SOME PEOPLE DON’T DESERVE FORGIVENESS
I swear these men should understand her situation she’s terrified she doesn’t know what’s going on can you like back the f*ck up and maybe explain to her what’s going on bit by bit in a calm non-threatening voice
Guys… My heart is literally breaking for this poor little girl. On one side the priests would abuse her sisters so she knows they’re corrupt. The other side has the knights that actually killed them
dude emperor bastard can’t you see she’s a kid you command her like that everyone looks trash aside from Beorn for now
ice cream yum so good
She is definitely gonna choose the king’s noble since she already know how trash priests are