Let me speak for almost everyone here. We want our Saint to be an enchantress and hoping for her to turn evil. Coming so far from chapter 1-4. Now our anger is boiling HOT💥
Hoof…shoot…that was heartbreaking.
@lolconpro I’m with you on that! It better be something good or else its only a waste of its good art.
@puppet Count me in.
just go with the king
why cant she just be villain saint😓 and kill those men before, all of them
Just kill all the nobles and the church, let the people restart, they seem likea lost cause so far.
Nooo her purple eyes T_T
Also @puppet same☹️
Let me speak for almost everyone here. We want our Saint to be an enchantress and hoping for her to turn evil. Coming so far from chapter 1-4. Now our anger is boiling HOT💥
I hope she’d be the evil saintess and be the death of all evil doers. Please let it be true
Hoof…shoot…that was heartbreaking.
@lolconpro I’m with you on that! It better be something good or else its only a waste of its good art.
@puppet Count me in.
Now what? She will listen to them and forgive them and fall in love with the demon king while forgiving the blond fucker ?
Suru mereka bundir lah :/
Enak betul hampir ngebunuh maiden tpi masih bisa hidup nyaman
Of course they wouldn’t keep prostitutes as main characters 🙄 I wanted to see her sisters living happy lives!!!
@puppet was just about to say that myself
See, if the storyline doesn’t include getting revenge on the people who killed her sisters I swear I’m quitting this
eh….. sad they are dead T_T