sigh………… these type pathetic stories never seem to end when will authors ever get creative & logical???? foolish FL will stand her ground & talk about her authority in this TL which she should’ve done to begin with a maid treating her mistress this way…………. -_- she must not have fear for life……… pretty sure she build misunderstandings too he would’ve thought FL didn’t like him vice versa stupid boy & girls ppl in manhwas why do they have such hard time dealing with their servants? they act as if roles are reverse or something even being in power & position if you can’t handle your servants…………………… it’s really pathetic
I Cant_Sleep
It’s giving mariage of convenience
Spring and Summer
Yuo, those stories where servants abuse their superiors are so stupid. It’s just so bad writing.
sigh………… these type pathetic stories never seem to end when will authors ever get creative & logical???? foolish FL will stand her ground & talk about her authority in this TL which she should’ve done to begin with a maid treating her mistress this way…………. -_- she must not have fear for life……… pretty sure she build misunderstandings too he would’ve thought FL didn’t like him vice versa stupid boy & girls ppl in manhwas why do they have such hard time dealing with their servants? they act as if roles are reverse or something even being in power & position if you can’t handle your servants…………………… it’s really pathetic