Doggo If anyone steals the bebe dragon Arthur is going to absolutely Azula them January 14, 2024 at 8:28 am Log in to Reply
PsychoPrincess okay sussy dude creepily starting at sylive……hmmmmm *foreboding music* May 6, 2023 at 12:28 pm Log in to Reply
yourgothbf69 first of all… “Burrazza!!! -Karamatsuno” Second of all, I feel like Sylvie’s gonna turn into a human at one point, so she’s basically the second lady of the harem?? and thr other brown haired kid is the third May 14, 2022 at 6:27 pm Log in to Reply
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Someone has eyes on sylvie
Not good…..
If anyone steals the bebe dragon Arthur is going to absolutely Azula them
I want a cute little sister too!!
okay sussy dude creepily starting at sylive……hmmmmm *foreboding music*
first of all… “Burrazza!!! -Karamatsuno”
Second of all, I feel like Sylvie’s gonna turn into a human at one point, so she’s basically the second lady of the harem?? and thr other brown haired kid is the third