so first off, every story doesnt have to have a good ending, its also not like this story or ” formally good piece” was always bright and bubbly, as an example in the adventurer arc Lucas killed alot of people just to save himself, people that were introduced just 10 or so chapters ago if that. Another example is in the start of the story. Sylves mom died right in front of him after becoming a mother like figure to him. this story hasnt been a story to have a good ending from the very start all you have to do is have a little bit of reading comprehension to be able to realize that. There are more examples of this in the story but if you went back and read through it again youd see them but doubt youd do that cause you read at a 4th grade lvl. :<
firstly even after training with the so called gods, MC is still F**King A** weak
secondly the rate at which people die especialy those who become friends with the MC is so annoying and stupid and the funny thing is, i think i once read a spoiler which says MC loses everyone close to him in the so called war.
like is does the writer of this formally good piece have a problem with what we call “A happy ending”.
Guys he lost some people not everyone he even get FRIENDS like yeah that possible
Waiting for psychoprincess to comment
Oh Gosh, I was so happy that it finally came back only to encounter a f*cking pervert!!
so first off, every story doesnt have to have a good ending, its also not like this story or ” formally good piece” was always bright and bubbly, as an example in the adventurer arc Lucas killed alot of people just to save himself, people that were introduced just 10 or so chapters ago if that. Another example is in the start of the story. Sylves mom died right in front of him after becoming a mother like figure to him. this story hasnt been a story to have a good ending from the very start all you have to do is have a little bit of reading comprehension to be able to realize that. There are more examples of this in the story but if you went back and read through it again youd see them but doubt youd do that cause you read at a 4th grade lvl. :<
firstly even after training with the so called gods, MC is still F**King A** weak
secondly the rate at which people die especialy those who become friends with the MC is so annoying and stupid and the funny thing is, i think i once read a spoiler which says MC loses everyone close to him in the so called war.
like is does the writer of this formally good piece have a problem with what we call “A happy ending”.
@game said its a pervert… careful guys
What the F************ it’s a pervert