ain’t the dragons coming into this soon or was that just forgotten about, like what about that other continent subplot. literally everything arthur has helped with??
spoiler alert!!
i read the novels and actually all the part after this is quite boring and will make u angry and the will be a new huge plot (war between continent) and the king & queen dwarves are the traitor
i don’t know what to say i’ve read this chapter 3 times and its still a shock, all three of the royal families children were involved and the dwarfs still are this persistent about making him suffer?!?! also director goodsky?!?! now i know that the dwarfs are involved in this attack. also if lucas’s family doesn’t get punished then that’s just bull…
This story has been epic but this chapter….suspending my disbelief was very difficult, the dwarf royals are completely illegal and seem to have an overwhelming presence for one kingdom. Correct me if I’m wrong but the human party holds the most “power” right? And the humans and the elfs are in disagreement with the dwarfs but they’re getting steamrolled?….this whole conceal meeting was a sad and ridiculous display. It also makes the dwarfs look hella sus ? ? and incompetent. Also if we are unset as a nation the angry party should really be the elfs seeing as THEIR Daughter was abused and hurt by the shit brat of a kid. Last time I checked she’s a princess soooo does her nation not matter? Shit for what he did it wouldn’t be unreasonable to declare war and the demand that shit kids head. And human royals wow just spectacularly weak here.
wasnt the child of the Dwarven king and queen beheaded by Wykes and the terrorist group he was apart of? They want to rule like leaders instead of parents but they make prejudices against Arthur coz he’s a commoner that killed a noble despite that nobles heinous crimes…thats fuck ass backwards…and which one of these rulers has ordered an investigation on the terrorist group? As far as I see, NONE have..They’re more focused on the kid that SAVED the whole ass school than they are the criminals that launched the attack. I’m kinda inclined to hope that the parents of the victims and the rest of the capital side with Arthur and rebel against the bullshit favoritism their leaders show towards nobles.
Let the ugly dwarf feel the pain
But I’m more pissed at the humans he saved 2 of their kids and they said nothing ??
I wish he left their son to die before coming
This is literally so upsetting bc I feel like if Arthur never stopped Lucas and Lucas continued his rampage just to get caught by the counsel later on he’d just get a slap on the wrist for his crimes. I get that there’s consequences but it’s just so infuriating to see Arthur getting treated like this when he literally saved them from a greater evil
why is she there?
Chan khuman
Ahhhhh… I’m soooo frustrating right now
f*ck you drawves? it all bulshit!!
ain’t the dragons coming into this soon or was that just forgotten about, like what about that other continent subplot. literally everything arthur has helped with??
spoiler alert!!
i read the novels and actually all the part after this is quite boring and will make u angry and the will be a new huge plot (war between continent) and the king & queen dwarves are the traitor
just drop these pissed off.??
i don’t know what to say i’ve read this chapter 3 times and its still a shock, all three of the royal families children were involved and the dwarfs still are this persistent about making him suffer?!?! also director goodsky?!?! now i know that the dwarfs are involved in this attack. also if lucas’s family doesn’t get punished then that’s just bull…
This story has been epic but this chapter….suspending my disbelief was very difficult, the dwarf royals are completely illegal and seem to have an overwhelming presence for one kingdom. Correct me if I’m wrong but the human party holds the most “power” right? And the humans and the elfs are in disagreement with the dwarfs but they’re getting steamrolled?….this whole conceal meeting was a sad and ridiculous display. It also makes the dwarfs look hella sus ? ? and incompetent. Also if we are unset as a nation the angry party should really be the elfs seeing as THEIR Daughter was abused and hurt by the shit brat of a kid. Last time I checked she’s a princess soooo does her nation not matter? Shit for what he did it wouldn’t be unreasonable to declare war and the demand that shit kids head. And human royals wow just spectacularly weak here.
wasnt the child of the Dwarven king and queen beheaded by Wykes and the terrorist group he was apart of? They want to rule like leaders instead of parents but they make prejudices against Arthur coz he’s a commoner that killed a noble despite that nobles heinous crimes…thats fuck ass backwards…and which one of these rulers has ordered an investigation on the terrorist group? As far as I see, NONE have..They’re more focused on the kid that SAVED the whole ass school than they are the criminals that launched the attack. I’m kinda inclined to hope that the parents of the victims and the rest of the capital side with Arthur and rebel against the bullshit favoritism their leaders show towards nobles.
That would be great
WTF! What kind of justice is this ??
Let the ugly dwarf feel the pain
But I’m more pissed at the humans he saved 2 of their kids and they said nothing ??
I wish he left their son to die before coming
This is literally so upsetting bc I feel like if Arthur never stopped Lucas and Lucas continued his rampage just to get caught by the counsel later on he’d just get a slap on the wrist for his crimes. I get that there’s consequences but it’s just so infuriating to see Arthur getting treated like this when he literally saved them from a greater evil
Black Crow