Again fuck the elite
These fuckers thing their the dog bollocks because their noble so they get away with literal murder doesn’t matter what the entire student body says
Lucas was a precious noble boy so he’ll be a victim in this even if he was literal demon spawn and we are all glad to see him go
Omg what a terrible story man. If the elf king not gonna save him in the next chapter im gonna drop this sh-t. The dude has 4 elements, op asf and he cant fight with that b-tch brother? Also just why did he joined to the academy in the first place.. I mean he already had that evil dude as enemy and he just decided to waste more time? Solo leveling was already disappointing and this gonna be too..
So short and omg how can the make a judgment with almost no information? Every person who doesn’t foight for him after he saved them she never set foot un that school again. They aren’t worthy.
How can the king and queen be this dumber, the only smart ones are their kids
Fear is controlling their hearts
Gramps you can save him come on now!!!!
AGHHHGHGHGHHGHGHGHHGHGH I swear this is shortening my lifespan
Chan khuman
Just why he has to suffer. I’m so sad it break my heart so much can’t stop crying 😭
(My current mood cause of this bs)
Amelia Marie
Again fuck the elite
These fuckers thing their the dog bollocks because their noble so they get away with literal murder doesn’t matter what the entire student body says
Lucas was a precious noble boy so he’ll be a victim in this even if he was literal demon spawn and we are all glad to see him go
Omg what a terrible story man. If the elf king not gonna save him in the next chapter im gonna drop this sh-t. The dude has 4 elements, op asf and he cant fight with that b-tch brother? Also just why did he joined to the academy in the first place.. I mean he already had that evil dude as enemy and he just decided to waste more time? Solo leveling was already disappointing and this gonna be too..
The story is just slowly flowing and solo leveling is ok-ish
So short and omg how can the make a judgment with almost no information? Every person who doesn’t foight for him after he saved them she never set foot un that school again. They aren’t worthy.
You want WAR I am the WAR
usel3ss chapter very nonsense
Useless ch come on
At least get 2 ch out so we can see what happens
Sweet little cappuccino
Why was it too short 2 weeks for this ….. harimanga realy
Calistos abs
Omg I waited for 1 week just for such a short chapter. Thanks anyway harimanga
It was so short