HajElle01 Yes! There are apples like that! I had one and I was so surprised hahahahah December 11, 2024 at 12:16 pm Log in to Reply
SSS Rank Cat Simp Ive had an apple that juicy my white shirt had too go in the washer August 23, 2024 at 12:14 am Log in to Reply
BbiBbi its jus an apple! why they make it so sultry?1 whyyyyyy! June 14, 2024 at 11:34 am Log in to Reply
I Cant_Sleep Are apples supposed to be this juicy? Im asking cus maybe there may be some species of apples that are that juicy cus its not that way where I come from June 5, 2024 at 5:58 pm Log in to Reply
Ladybug91 They made it seem sinister but what they were saying didnt seem sinister to me at all? June 5, 2024 at 12:32 pm Log in to Reply
Yes! There are apples like that! I had one and I was so surprised hahahahah
I’m on the fence if I’m going to continue or drop
SSS Rank Cat Simp
Ive had an apple that juicy my white shirt had too go in the washer
in korea apples are juicy but that’s too much 😂😂😂
its jus an apple! why they make it so sultry?1 whyyyyyy!
girl where is your ill sister
I Cant_Sleep
Are apples supposed to be this juicy? Im asking cus maybe there may be some species of apples that are that juicy cus its not that way where I come from
They made it seem sinister but what they were saying didnt seem sinister to me at all?