I think I’d do the same tbh. I liked that she said “let’s give him a chance to hurt me too”. Even if you know it won’t end well, until then just enjoy the ride, yolo and all haha. She’s already too deep in, it’ll hurt regardless, so just go all-in. I like it
I think I’d do the same tbh. I liked that she said “let’s give him a chance to hurt me too”. Even if you know it won’t end well, until then just enjoy the ride, yolo and all haha. She’s already too deep in, it’ll hurt regardless, so just go all-in. I like it
Somewhat honest communication? A kiss? This is definitely my fave chapter so far.
Update please!
I hope he gets to have a bit of revenge, but at the end realizes his love is greater and they can somehow live happily together…
i mean okay not a good choice but cant judge that too, she has right points to think that
Well when he abandoned you and trap you at the cottage, you can always escape through dreams like you have done before right.. 💨
Seems like bad idea but okay
Meringue Cat
Oh girl, you should have run deeper into the dark night when you had the chance.
Who loves manga
Well we need more updates