First of all the story is great, probably the best story I have read so far.
@AArtsy said alot of things, as the fl doens’t talk, even if she talks it’s doens’t going to change. When ml found out fl lost her memory he didn’t give a shit, he just wants to take revenge on her.
Most of the it’s confusing as lilianas past is not yet clearly revealed.
It’s very confusing for fl herself as she is learning it first time as us, we are just reading her and her mind if is confused.
You can’t just get your memories when you reincarnated as you are a different person I like how they said that in this manhwa.
We will probably understand everything when we get lilians pov
I’ve never seen an FL as clumsy as her!
She is definitely one of the worst, if not THE worst of all FLs ever!
She never talks!
Never comes clean about the truth!
Like, how she isn’t the person he thinks she is!
She doesn’t even declare that she has lost her memories to Magnus! Just like how she has told her father and everyone else.
Guess she is worst than the young enslaved Magnus herself.
This story doesn’t follow logic.
And maybe, her bruises where inflicted by that mysterious mother of hers, not her father or anyone else.
Seems like the original Llianna was exactly like her mother.
Thats why its frustrating.
First of all the story is great, probably the best story I have read so far.
@AArtsy said alot of things, as the fl doens’t talk, even if she talks it’s doens’t going to change. When ml found out fl lost her memory he didn’t give a shit, he just wants to take revenge on her.
Most of the it’s confusing as lilianas past is not yet clearly revealed.
It’s very confusing for fl herself as she is learning it first time as us, we are just reading her and her mind if is confused.
You can’t just get your memories when you reincarnated as you are a different person I like how they said that in this manhwa.
We will probably understand everything when we get lilians pov
The thing is, it’s high possible Mag doesn’t believe her if she does reveal this
I’ve never seen an FL as clumsy as her!
She is definitely one of the worst, if not THE worst of all FLs ever!
She never talks!
Never comes clean about the truth!
Like, how she isn’t the person he thinks she is!
She doesn’t even declare that she has lost her memories to Magnus! Just like how she has told her father and everyone else.
Guess she is worst than the young enslaved Magnus herself.
This story doesn’t follow logic.
And maybe, her bruises where inflicted by that mysterious mother of hers, not her father or anyone else.
Seems like the original Llianna was exactly like her mother.
Thats why its frustrating.