I hate it so much when the og female lead simps on the new fl JUST NO WAY it makes me nauseous that I immediately drop the story. I can’t stomach those weaklings who cling to the stronger fl and act sa obsessive toward them.
I simply want a friendship not simping but just casual kindness like this Cheryl girl and the fl now. This is just the amount that I can take. Chery is really a great lady so I like her. I hope she doesn’t change.
Love Cherylllllllllll
I really love this already!! I say merry Cheryl I fcking love her already
I hate it so much when the og female lead simps on the new fl JUST NO WAY it makes me nauseous that I immediately drop the story. I can’t stomach those weaklings who cling to the stronger fl and act sa obsessive toward them.
I simply want a friendship not simping but just casual kindness like this Cheryl girl and the fl now. This is just the amount that I can take. Chery is really a great lady so I like her. I hope she doesn’t change.
I love it when the OG female lead simps for the current female lead so I’m a big fan of this development ?
no one
Would’ve been nice if she doesn’t know about iliana and ml but because she knows, i kinda find her clinginess annoying
cheryl’s so annoying ??
marry her. screw ML, marry cheryl. i would die for her already
okay NEXT chapter!!
She knows.
Ugghhh… looking forward for the reunion of FL and ML
Spring and Summer
Friendship potential? I really hope so.
Shinn is bored
It’s great and all but i kinda don’t like how she’s a bit clingy to the fl idk why, maybe because i kinda expected some tension but meh it’s fine
next pls~
Kim Tami
Sorry ml i mean 2ml but i love their (Relationship) Friendship i guess I’m too loving to this beautiful goddesses ???
Blueberry Tea
I want pink lady side story with her as mc
I’m actually kind of glad that they didn’t just introduce the romance so quickly, it’s good that the FL has friendship interactions with others
Just Sara
I say to both of those beautiful ladies ditch the emperor and get together ?
Now i wish this was a yuri. I ship it.
Dont ask me
Oh…future betsies?!!!
I Like To Read
Yuri vibes. . .