Pretty sure all three black-haired dudes are brothers. They all have golden eyes, which is exclusive to royalty. I think the one in the tree was also the one who killed the priest and Lilianna saw earlier. Also Magnus had curly hair, his older brother has shorter hair, and tree dude has straight hair. That’s how you can tell.
Yah there are 3 princes who look identical especially the 2 younger ones you cant tell the difference
Were they lazy
Just make one have long hair at least
The story is going pretty well but hear me out. Its kinda random but I want ,at the end ,FL and him (black haired dude) to not end up together . Not every story needs to end with marriage + kids + happy ending. I have a feeling this story can have a more interesting ending than that. It’s still too soon to tell. Maybe I’ll change my mind… oh well we’ll see …
Boy???? Wth
Does he have the power were in whatever he says come true
He sold his soul to the devil?
@Catfish U sure!?
Pretty sure all three black-haired dudes are brothers. They all have golden eyes, which is exclusive to royalty. I think the one in the tree was also the one who killed the priest and Lilianna saw earlier. Also Magnus had curly hair, his older brother has shorter hair, and tree dude has straight hair. That’s how you can tell.
Yah there are 3 princes who look identical especially the 2 younger ones you cant tell the difference
Were they lazy
Just make one have long hair at least
The artist draw every black haired person almost identical. The guy who killed the priest also looks like ML
Wait why does the one on the tree looks like the Ml lol
how the hell there’s two of him?.?
or ist different characters?
Everyone is confused! What the hell!?
Spring and Summer
The story is going pretty well but hear me out. Its kinda random but I want ,at the end ,FL and him (black haired dude) to not end up together . Not every story needs to end with marriage + kids + happy ending. I have a feeling this story can have a more interesting ending than that. It’s still too soon to tell. Maybe I’ll change my mind… oh well we’ll see …
Catherine Briar
Sooooo, he also has weird powers?
Dont ask me
Holly Shit!!!! He looks gorgeous!!!!
Also. What a cute Poppy ?