The Baby Concubine Wants to Live Quietly - Chapter 9
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It hurts my heart that the emperor is a woman letting all that fine art go to waste
Im ur misconception
I have severe allergies, son sympathize with the female lead in t at a young age, it is even worse and twice as deadly as the body has not had a chance to adapt, grow and develop its natural protection systems.
For me, it is anything made from Cow’s milk. My tongue and throat swell shut (unless I do a few albuterol inhales and stab my epi-pen), and the next day (if not hospitalized), I have itchy rashes and splotches all over my body.
The poor baby.
Queen Silvia
The translation is slow but there are 21 raw chapters and it’s worth it
No, more I need more please update soon 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 I love this manga sooo much
This poor bb needs love.
Kazuko Masao
Btw the translation about the gender is wrong if anyone is confused the empress is female (ofc) the concubines is male and I believe she (FL)is the only young female concubine
Is the empress going to act like a mother figure to her!