The Baby Concubine Wants to Live Quietly - Chapter 7
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The translation keeps getting worse and the story don’t seem to be worth my time
But are they all lesbian women in ne place 🤨
Oh my word they are all dotting on her only the cringy Concubine is left
General rule for translations here: 80% chance that genders are flipped
Soo the ladyship is a he after all?? 🤦🏽♀️
Im ur misconception
I had to do spoilers to make sure I wans’t going nutter butters with this translation… Empreror is a woman. All concubines are Male except our Lil gal.
I wish the TL would stick to the appropriate gender specifics.
Not gonna lie this has the most confusing translation I have ever read
Queen Silvia
The emperor is a woman, the concubines are male, she has one wife (MC).
It’s not a harem.
The MC is going to meet the ML soon and let me tell you he’s ducking cute.
So far the story centres around MC’s and ML’s interactions and the MC learning that the Emperor, the red head guy and the blindfolded person care about her.
“so everything I’ve eaten in my whole life is all fake” LMAO 🤣🤣🤣
the emperor (a woman) has 1 wife (the MC) and the rest are men
bro the translation is confusing me??
Ok this translation is wrong 😭😭😭 the dragon is a guy
How is this blond so insensitive? The child doesn’t give af about your eyes. She thinks you’re going to hurt her because he’s been acting sus.
So the one in the blonde hair is actually a woman and hear him thinking he was a man🤔
but yea, the translation for the blondie gender is confusing
Isn’t “his lordship” ?