The Baby Concubine Wants to Live Quietly - Chapter 6
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Is the flower garden where they bury the flowers? (Bodies)
Talerielle Laurel
My guess is the translators noticed it was a harem story and just automatically translated all the concubines’ pronouns as “she/her” without realizing “wait a sec, this is a REVERSE harem, all the other concubines are male”
Okay so like the previous ch comment ALL CONCUBINE ARE MALES except our girl (The FL) and Emperor is female.
He or she… Is this now the transgender topic from the LTBGQ bulls..?
i just stopped paying attention to the pronouns
Whats with the translation is this teenmanhua?? Please fix it, thanks <3
the pronouns are a mistranslation
I’m sure since I’ve read the novel and thank god I did or I wouldn’t be sure either-
The pronouns are probably just a mistranslation given how korean sentence structures has a general absence of gender-specific pronouns. For those still confused, it was said in the first few chapters how the original story is a reverse harem novel. So yeah, they have a female emperor and male concubines.
What a lovely (and terrifying) tea party!
It’s kinda wierd that the concubines servants are all women. Why no eunuchs to serve the men?
Im pretty sure the concubines are all male and the translations might be wrong when writing “she”
The art is draw in a way that make it difficult to tell if its a female or man. I always have to do a double take to see if I read thinks wrong.
I’m glad that servant is getting the punishment she so desperately deserves she’s getting on my last nerves😡
wtf wait i thought all of the concubines are male???
oh wow okayy…..