The Baby Concubine Wants to Live Quietly - Chapter 39
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The emperor is a woman. The concubines are all male except for the one that grew up studying with the Emperor and the baby heroine before she was upgraded to princess.
The bad guy is her ex-dad. Everyone wants to be her new daddy, which is a nice change from the usual reverse harem romance.
I can, it’s just translator messing up the translation and the proofreader/editor not correcting the pronouns correctly. But the Empress is obviously a woman, this was said in chapter 1 it’s a “reverse” harem. So 1 woman vs multiple men ( maybe women too if we consider people like Katarina in “My Next Life as a Villainess” ).
But anyways, the Empress is a woman. 80% concubines or the OG male leads from the novel are males. The end.
I still cannot definitively tell the gender of anybody but sanya