The Baby Concubine Wants to Live Quietly - Chapter 28
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next chapter plsss
She must be related to the empress in some way maybe the previous emperor or empress had a child with a Yeoran causing her to be so gloomy all the time so she must accept the emprors sincerity
@AArtsy I don’t think so cus she has affection for others (like her guard). The ability of the imperial family is being lived by all but not being able to love anyone (if i remember correctly) but I’d also like it if she was related to the empress.
If that’s the case why she died in her previous life?
I think she is not an illegitimate child of the Yeorans, but the previous emperor’s–maybe with a Yeoran!?
Or the previous emperor and a commoner, but that Yeoran jerk found out and confined her to use her as a trump card when necessary!!
Thats why she looks like the empress!
She. is her relative, if not a half-sister.
Seeing how other people’s love are all directed at her, and even the concubines seem to not care like before. Even the empress herself whos suppose to not being able to love!
But not of the YEORAN’s but the imperial family’s!
Guess shes going to be the next empress!!