The Baby Concubine Wants to Live Quietly - Chapter 26
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Just realized since she did mention that she isn’t affected by the emperor’s ability, this could increase the possibility of the mc being of royal blood and perhaps those of the royal family aren’t affected by the abilities of their bloodline. Plus it’d make a bit of sense too since sanya’s dad, giyun yeoran, is a scheming bastard and his concern over sending someone to the palace was that everyone would fall for the emperor. What if he either had a child with a royal family member or found/kidnapped a child of royal blood and raised it (like the typical carriage accident leading to adopted family but in this case, it’s child taken in due to the death of the parent but mistreated horribly). It’s just a matter on whether or not he knew members of the royal family wouldn’t be affected by one another.
Alexandre Schihann
her expressions are priceless 🤣🤣🤣🤣