The Baby Concubine Wants to Live Quietly - Chapter 24
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Why is the tl messed up again? I was pretty happy with the previous chapter and now it’s ruined again. Sigh.
Ya know what amazes me? We literally saw that dude shirtless and people are still like “but are they a girl?!?” pffff
alright ya’ll, have you srsly never read the pronouns getting mucked up in translated media before? but tbh, even if the pronouns weren’t mucked up, i dont understand why everyones so obsessed with the genders of the characters :/ the story doesnt change meaningfully in any way. the emperor is clearly a woman but if she was a man, what about this story changes? literally nothing. same with the concubines. its such a pointless debate
Yeah.. seems translation got worse.. cuz pretty sure gender would have nothing to do with why yeo ryu got sent over and I’m willing to be the reason for pity response to the misunderstood request for him and the “no need to explain to a _____” is like more of that it was supposed to be idiot.. cuz we’ve kinda gotten plenty of idiocy from him in a short time to make it reasonable for the characters to think he was a moron. Now how idiot would be translated as woman but I don’t know korean so this is all a guestimate.
Ig Hikari
He’s the lowest ranked shadow bcz you think he’s a women?💀 sexist, and is the translator even putting any efforts or just using Google translator? They need a korean translator that’s fluent in English, all the chapters I’ve been understanding is just by assuming things my way by hints like expressions, some word from the translation etc, they’ll have more readers if they make it easy for the reader to understand. Other comics, the translator keep notes under pictures sometimes like what’s that supposed to mean n etc, this one’s the lamest I’ve seen so far and then ceo above me below’s translating, it’s better to just read the novel if you’re invested in the comics but don’t understand many things
So, the new shadow is a woman and that’s why she’s the lowest ranking – Not the nicer one? Or am I confused?
My god, this translation is so bad. Please redo. Appreciate the efforts but it is tough when the translation doesn’t make any sense.
I’m so confused
Mama= concubine. So they should probably use miss or ma’am instead. And it feels very obvious about their genders just by how they look. I dont understand why the translator keeps messing them up. Thanks for the translations tho they do need improvement
Seomyeon* Im sorry
I did not understand a single word throughout the whole chapter and someone pls tell me why is Seo yun calling her mama is it some kind of word that means concubine?
It’s amazing in it’s own way how they managed to get every pronoun wrong throughout the chapter.