The Baby Concubine Wants to Live Quietly - Chapter 20
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She has Somniloquy!? (Also known as sleep talking)) is a sleeping disorder and a type of parasomnia that’s characterized by unconscious/unintentional talk while sleeping and uncontrollable sleepwalking.) >[]<
Which is understandable because she's suffering from complicated dialogues/monologues, completed by gibberish/mumbling from the original story.
Sleep talking runs in my family. My mom would agree to anything I asked her while she slept but sadly permission didn’t count if she couldn’t remember it.
SHE TOTALLY ROASTED THOSE MAIDS LMAO. Taking after her older brother I see (red head concubine).
He was so adorable, when he ate those cookies I felt like buying him 100.
Oooh, sleepwalking? Or the body’s original owner?
Schizophrenia? Is the original taking over when she’s asleep, maybe?
Whoa not only is she sleep walking but also sleep talking……that’s creepy