The Baby Concubine Wants to Live Quietly - Chapter 2
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Marriage ages used to be really young but thats just for the ceremony and political ties. The child weren’t expected to have sexual encounters until they were legally adults for the Era.
In Western Europe, it was usually 21. You could be married at any age.
According to Google, old timey china had adulthood at 20 for men and 15 for girls which is still gross AF.
Even though this a Korean story, it’s clearly set in a fantasy world based on china.
Not too shocking since marrying age in the middle ages were like 12-16, if my memory is correct. Tho thankfully the emperor sees her as a child rather than.. yeah.. Tho wtf kind of freaking male leads get jealous of their lover cherishing a child.. geez.. I get she was sent as a concubine but wtf.. just how little faith do they have in their emperor’s tastes..
i want the emperor to be like her mother figure
This feels so illegal to read but really in history this happens 🙁
seriously she is eight what first night oh my god
SO? is she married with the emperor?
For those of you wondering the Emperor is a she😅
Guys don’t be confused, looks like in this world marriage has no limitations. The emperor is a woman and clans have to provide her with a concubine, the clans that could afford it, sent a man and MC’s clan just had a girl to send. The Emperor is also old enough to be her mother and there’s also the ML in chapter 0 so soon enough it’ll be more clear that it’s not any weird story other than the fact that she is a female concubine of a woman.
So this is a yuri story..
Okay great so far but why are there male concubines and why does it say the emperor as both a she and a him? It’s great I’m just confused because the translation is a little off 😂
Kazuko Masao
First night?!?.. I think I am imagining things I went to the mental hospital ya I think I am imagining it
I wanna be surprised if her father gave her all those scars or some of the service back home😔
Chan khuman
Love that she secretly swore at them at least🤣
Those concubines are pathetic