The Baby Concubine Wants to Live Quietly - Chapter 17
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Gaon went from 0 to Yandere instantly.
Talerielle Laurel
Uh, to the people saying she should grab onto the Emperor since she’s being genuine: there is absolutely no way she’d do that, because that is EXACTLY what Sanya in the ORIGINAL did. Then, when the Emperor was assured of her loyalty, she stopped treating her specially, but og Sanya at that point tried to continue desperately clinging to the only source of warmth she had ever known.
What Sanya is scared of happening isn’t so much the Emperor killing her, although that is a possibility. What she is scared of is receiving all the Emperor’s affection, getting used to it, and then losing it because the Emperor decides it’s no longer necessary. (plus all the machinations from jealous consorts, but that isn’t much of a problem unless the Emperor suddenly stops providing her protection, allowing them an opportunity to get revenge for her hogging the Emperor for so long)
Noooooooooooooooo don’t let go of that emperor Sanya don’t you dare or lwill skin you alive 😬
Well, she is purple. AROMANTIC IT IS.
So either she camt love someone cause she has someone else in her heart orrrrrr shes aromantic and that would be so cool cause i myself am aroace and its so rare for a manhwa character to be asexuel or aromantic ( ゚ε゚;)
so the emperor is aromantic believe me they can love just not romantically,, i cackled so loud when i saw Goun with shining clibs hehehehe
Im ur misconception
hmmm the Tl was a bit… yeah. It is a reverse harem. so Empress… and those are men not ladies… except for Sana, who shouldn’t at her age be referred to as Mama.
Thank you for translating this chapter!!!!! I have been looking for it….but didn’t succeed because they all have the wrong manhwa….so THANK YOU very much!