The Baby Concubine Wants to Live Quietly - Chapter 11
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Why does the emperor and my fl look SO ALIKE?! LIKE SHE’S THE FL’S BIOLOGICAL MOTHER!!! 😭😭😭😭😭🤧🤧🤧
Emperor has absolutely decided she is this child’s mommy now.
@quokka was about to comment same thing
hoping she was aunt or smtg since we didn’t c any childrens in her palace also it’s effed up her marrying her own child so better a no
might be smtg like ” her sis fell in love with wrong person that plot”
Kyaaaaaaa sooooooo amazing lm in love
The dirt blonde was in chapter 2, the one that went “you let others in while I was a guest!? I WILL REMEMBER THIS DISRESPECT” and stole the maid.
Okay, the red head is 1# in the father ranks (he’s the cutest). 2# is blondie and I assume the other dirt blonde will show up. Also, 2# is scared because he has red eyes, but so does the dirt blonde? Am I missing something? Dirt blonde and 2# are different people but yet 2# is discriminated about the eyes??
Yeah they look a like only she got her eyes from her father
I was thinking about it for a while but if Empress is actually MC’s mother/sibling or aunt it’ll be so frickin weird, cuz they made her marry her and even if they go to blood related or mother-daughter relationship MC was still part of her harem
That’s messed up just like the fact that they married her at the age of 8
Whatever is author up to Ig
it really felt like the red head should have had the GTA “WASTED” screen plastered over him
Im ur misconception
She slayed the red-head… with the “Get Out.” I cracked up at how he fell over stoned and depressed.
Why do I feel like the Emperor is her mom… or yeah, maybe her big sister? They just really look alike.
There’s this crazy idea inside my head. What if the emperor and our Sanya are half siblings?! 🤔🤔🤔
He Majesty is the best sugar mommy out there 😊
The red head looked so stress out at first🤣
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I think the Her Majesty is her mom they both resemble the color of they’re hair
I love it so much 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
So cute 🥺🥺🥰🥰 im waiting for more updates i really like the story