The Baby Concubine Wants to Live Quietly - Chapter 10
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Why do you hate the emperor? Just stop ok let me switch with you if you are tired. Some of us need a glance of the fine art to confirm the gender
@stellarrestoration YES THAT WOULD BE AMAZING.
That monkey looks like the one from toystories that haunted me in my nightmares as a child \(T-T)/
Nothing grand really happened this chapter but I feel warm and fuzzy inside nonetheless. Despite the cover, I wouldn’t mind if there was no romance in this manhwa since I’m really enjoying the wholesome and funny moments
This chapter was cute!
I wanna see the consorts spoiling da baby! Like if they’ll be in the emperor’s way and will end up in a fight to settle who treats her well!
This cute little baby 🐤
Honestly this chap was unnecessary but she’s cute asl
Also TL… Please… It’s “SHE/HER” FOR EMPRESS and they are MALE concubines aka” HE/HIM”
Just try to use right pronouns for some it may still be confusing