Is carsen really the bad guy in this environment?
Well not all of them is bad in this environment, but he choses to be bad. So he is bad. And excepting fl to do middleman job. I think she is way more smart and good than these realistic people shitting in comment section.
Why are you reader bashing fl. I know her way of dealing is bad. And what she even can do. She is just a orphan as them, not their godmother.
Carsen is bully but he need direction. Is it the fl job to right him, she is basically 10yr child and probably carsen is older than her. All those orphanage director are busy on their on.
She saved Damian, because he was the lonely one and carsen was the one bullying him.
What if she didn’t interferd, probably situation would have gotten worse, carsen that much physically hurt him is farse worse than he get hurt by director.
Damian is lonely and carsen is extrovert in their group. He is already the leader the leader of the group.
Her making false accusations on him, I think he deserve that. Its not fo responsibility that you guys were expecting to become their god mother.
You were literally defending a bully and bashing the saviour.
Even if role were reversed and Damian were the 2ml and carsen were the ml. I would still support the fl action on carsen.
And someone mentioned that carsen is not bad, then bullying isn’t bad? Who gonna teach him? Its not fl responsibility. So stop bashing fl. Look like you have much more sympathy for bully, and I think you were never bullied in the life those who defending the bully.
@BingeReader: 💯% agree with you. I feel it’d have been very easy for her to stop him from bullying ML at all by assigning responsibility of caring for the kid to Carson. Just a “he’s your new younger brother and I trust you too take care of him” would’ve solved it. But she stood back and watched as they started bullying him and then escalated the situation by lying and painting Carson in a bad light, causing him to get punished. Twice. Since the kids see her as something similar to a parental figure(or maybe a budding romantic interest in this case) their hatred will be pointed towards ML again. And it’ll keep elevating until an adult actually steps in to solve it or something irreversible happens.
Hmm. I actually support Ellie doing that to Carson. He started bullying Damien from the jump. It’s sad that Carson is an orphan seeking comfort but not sad enough for me to think he didn’t deserve some sort of retribution for how he treated Damien, a previously enslaved orphan.
They all just want Ellie’s attention coz she’s their defacto parent (makes sense since she has the soul of an adult) so it’s really “evil” of her to create a favorable image to Damien by using Carsen. Yes, he’s a bully but they’re ALL neglected children and how they express that isn’t entirely their fault. Ellie might be in a child’s body but, her life experience means she’s knows well enough that Carsen is only acting out due to his environment. She could’ve acted as a middle man to help Damien adapt to the orphanage and get along with all the kids including Carsen. Instead, she allows Carsen to bully Damien JUST enough that when she saves him, he feels indebted to her.
So is Carsen really the bad guy in this situation???
You’re too young to know the meaning of real love, brother. Just focus on growing up or I will beat you to death lol….Carsen,I saw many children like you, don’t blame others. It is us who build ourselves to become who we are. Damian suffered more damage than you are,but he chose to be a good person after all. He did not point fingers at others nor blame others for his fate. I saw many children with less fortunate life like you but they build themselves to be a better person,even without the care of their parents or whoever. You’re an attention seeker,you always want to be on top. You don’t want any rival because you feel superior to those who are weak. But when the time comes of being defeated,you always blame others… it’s not right.. don’t play victim.
Carsen makes more sense now. I kind of hate how two faced she was with him. I do get that he was willing to hurt her, which is probably why she did it, but a little honesty would have been better.
i feel bad for him, he’s just a kid. He’s a total brat who might become a psychopath but he deserves love too. All of these children are just products of their environment. If you calmly explain to him that what he is doing is wrong without making him feel isolated, I’m sure his fate can also change. I hate the way the fl frames him, just cuz he sucks doesn’t mean he needs to be beaten too, it’ll only make him more resentful.
Is carsen really the bad guy in this environment?
Well not all of them is bad in this environment, but he choses to be bad. So he is bad. And excepting fl to do middleman job. I think she is way more smart and good than these realistic people shitting in comment section.
Why are you reader bashing fl. I know her way of dealing is bad. And what she even can do. She is just a orphan as them, not their godmother.
Carsen is bully but he need direction. Is it the fl job to right him, she is basically 10yr child and probably carsen is older than her. All those orphanage director are busy on their on.
She saved Damian, because he was the lonely one and carsen was the one bullying him.
What if she didn’t interferd, probably situation would have gotten worse, carsen that much physically hurt him is farse worse than he get hurt by director.
Damian is lonely and carsen is extrovert in their group. He is already the leader the leader of the group.
Her making false accusations on him, I think he deserve that. Its not fo responsibility that you guys were expecting to become their god mother.
You were literally defending a bully and bashing the saviour.
Even if role were reversed and Damian were the 2ml and carsen were the ml. I would still support the fl action on carsen.
And someone mentioned that carsen is not bad, then bullying isn’t bad? Who gonna teach him? Its not fl responsibility. So stop bashing fl. Look like you have much more sympathy for bully, and I think you were never bullied in the life those who defending the bully.
@BingeReader: 💯% agree with you. I feel it’d have been very easy for her to stop him from bullying ML at all by assigning responsibility of caring for the kid to Carson. Just a “he’s your new younger brother and I trust you too take care of him” would’ve solved it. But she stood back and watched as they started bullying him and then escalated the situation by lying and painting Carson in a bad light, causing him to get punished. Twice. Since the kids see her as something similar to a parental figure(or maybe a budding romantic interest in this case) their hatred will be pointed towards ML again. And it’ll keep elevating until an adult actually steps in to solve it or something irreversible happens.
Awwwwww he like her.
Hmm. I actually support Ellie doing that to Carson. He started bullying Damien from the jump. It’s sad that Carson is an orphan seeking comfort but not sad enough for me to think he didn’t deserve some sort of retribution for how he treated Damien, a previously enslaved orphan.
Lolli pop
Mangas are just messed up fuck.
Carsen isn’t that bad. Whatever, I feel Ellie is overdoing it
They all just want Ellie’s attention coz she’s their defacto parent (makes sense since she has the soul of an adult) so it’s really “evil” of her to create a favorable image to Damien by using Carsen. Yes, he’s a bully but they’re ALL neglected children and how they express that isn’t entirely their fault. Ellie might be in a child’s body but, her life experience means she’s knows well enough that Carsen is only acting out due to his environment. She could’ve acted as a middle man to help Damien adapt to the orphanage and get along with all the kids including Carsen. Instead, she allows Carsen to bully Damien JUST enough that when she saves him, he feels indebted to her.
So is Carsen really the bad guy in this situation???
No no little carsein. That’s not how you should act
(Man i love red hair lol)
You’re too young to know the meaning of real love, brother. Just focus on growing up or I will beat you to death lol….Carsen,I saw many children like you, don’t blame others. It is us who build ourselves to become who we are. Damian suffered more damage than you are,but he chose to be a good person after all. He did not point fingers at others nor blame others for his fate. I saw many children with less fortunate life like you but they build themselves to be a better person,even without the care of their parents or whoever. You’re an attention seeker,you always want to be on top. You don’t want any rival because you feel superior to those who are weak. But when the time comes of being defeated,you always blame others… it’s not right.. don’t play victim.
Like so what
I agree with Oscorpi
Catherine Briar
She seems to already have a penchant for taking care of younger kids….how was she ever a little villain?
Always abandon all logic from the 1st chapter or you’ll suffer more later.
oh my, little kid just be NICE then maybe she’ll give u the attention u want. But, I think No. Bcs of your attitude🥱
Carsen makes more sense now. I kind of hate how two faced she was with him. I do get that he was willing to hurt her, which is probably why she did it, but a little honesty would have been better.
baby im not even hallucination
i feel bad for him, he’s just a kid. He’s a total brat who might become a psychopath but he deserves love too. All of these children are just products of their environment. If you calmly explain to him that what he is doing is wrong without making him feel isolated, I’m sure his fate can also change. I hate the way the fl frames him, just cuz he sucks doesn’t mean he needs to be beaten too, it’ll only make him more resentful.
Blueberry Tea
Bro, you’re 4, calm down
I feel bad for the little bully. He’s still a child and in lack of affection. Children are cruels but in my opinion he deserves another treatement.
Really an attention seeker😒
Oh no… kid just wants love but I foresee a bad end for him 🥲