I don’t think fl is daughter of emperor, but well she can be because her hair color matches with emperor. But if we think that duchess is the mother of fl, then I don’t think she would had betrayed the Duke.
I only see that emperor is bad guy because he waged war wrongly and later tried to kill his opponent the Duke, so I don’t think duchess would be bad person that she would have betrayed the Duke.
There is also possibility that she would be Duke daughter.
Well anything can be possible.
Why does Yuria have green eyes what’s with the coincidences😭
Was it just to tease us?Or because she reminded the duke of his wife that he became more soft for her
And what if fl is the treasure that was stolen by her ‘mother’? Just a tho that passing by🤔
I don’t think fl is daughter of emperor, but well she can be because her hair color matches with emperor. But if we think that duchess is the mother of fl, then I don’t think she would had betrayed the Duke.
I only see that emperor is bad guy because he waged war wrongly and later tried to kill his opponent the Duke, so I don’t think duchess would be bad person that she would have betrayed the Duke.
There is also possibility that she would be Duke daughter.
Well anything can be possible.
Why does Yuria have green eyes what’s with the coincidences😭
Was it just to tease us?Or because she reminded the duke of his wife that he became more soft for her
I got confused. Which is which and who is who again?
I’m just wondering why Ellie has blind hair if her mum’s was brown. And who else had blond hair? The evil emperor.
I believe the translation is wrong. Where it says the Duke lost his wife I think they mean his best friend’s wife
So the duke had a wife..what happened to her??
I can automatically hear, kaching! kaching! kaching!
miss Misterious
Look at the money eyes 🤑🤑🤑🤑💰