Reader is L If the duke is close by just run towards him and tell him theres a kid with the same description he’s looking for, no more dilly dally. November 21, 2022 at 9:33 pm Log in to Reply
no one He’s too pretty so his name changed to Damina haha October 2, 2022 at 12:22 am Log in to Reply
effiescarlet Teenmanhua how can you take a lot of manhwa but kill it with the translation? Have someone else pick it you’re the worst! Harimanga any chance you’ll pick it up instead? October 1, 2022 at 3:07 am Log in to Reply
HellyCutey The translation seems wrong it’s supposed to be Damian not Damina. October 1, 2022 at 2:26 am Log in to Reply
Reader is L
If the duke is close by just run towards him and tell him theres a kid with the same description he’s looking for, no more dilly dally.
Like so what
Is a raucous a word? Or am I just dumb
no one
He’s too pretty so his name changed to Damina haha
Teenmanhua how can you take a lot of manhwa but kill it with the translation?
Have someone else pick it you’re the worst!
Harimanga any chance you’ll pick it up instead?
The translation seems wrong it’s supposed to be Damian not Damina.