Lies. Of course you’ll love him again. Even though he’s fucking trash who doesn’t deserve forgiveness no matter how many lives you regress to, you’ll still love him because he “changed”. Ugh I wanted to read this story so bad after learning that she’d be a knight, but nevermind. This would’ve been so much better as a revenge story. I’m disappointed but whatever, perhaps i’ll find something else.
Simply a passerby
Then don’t disappoint me in your second life there won’t be a third
haha, for real… you’ll still love him because hell changed 🥴 marupok ka ate
baby im not even hallucination
Lies. Of course you’ll love him again. Even though he’s fucking trash who doesn’t deserve forgiveness no matter how many lives you regress to, you’ll still love him because he “changed”. Ugh I wanted to read this story so bad after learning that she’d be a knight, but nevermind. This would’ve been so much better as a revenge story. I’m disappointed but whatever, perhaps i’ll find something else.