U like her because she said some true words, but that’s all. She could’ve stopped him in the past from killing her, but instead she was smiling n everything. Her just saying a few true words shouldn’t change shit about how she is in ur opinion. But then again it’s Ur opinion, and it might be one of those that can be changed easily.
… both have different perspectives… Jieun was not born into this world…. FL has
And more than anything, FL has learned that revenge for what hasn’t happened is not worth it
okay jieun may have been an arrogant bitch in the last few chapters and the first chapters but SHE WAS SPITTING FACTS AND WAS ACTUALLY ICONIC HERE? i’m sorry but i actually like jieun now
i want so badly for Ruve to have heard that conversation, i kinda need him to have heard that convo. this undeniable conversation that establishes his worst sins in his past life. ahhhhh i know it wont be like that but i want it so baddddd ;A;
Calistos abs
U like her because she said some true words, but that’s all. She could’ve stopped him in the past from killing her, but instead she was smiling n everything. Her just saying a few true words shouldn’t change shit about how she is in ur opinion. But then again it’s Ur opinion, and it might be one of those that can be changed easily.
… both have different perspectives… Jieun was not born into this world…. FL has
And more than anything, FL has learned that revenge for what hasn’t happened is not worth it
okay jieun may have been an arrogant bitch in the last few chapters and the first chapters but SHE WAS SPITTING FACTS AND WAS ACTUALLY ICONIC HERE? i’m sorry but i actually like jieun now
i want so badly for Ruve to have heard that conversation, i kinda need him to have heard that convo. this undeniable conversation that establishes his worst sins in his past life. ahhhhh i know it wont be like that but i want it so baddddd ;A;