What the hell 😭 it was all like jk this is the cute little sis not the shite one and then it seemed like the sisters where totally gonna crash their sisters wedding but lonand behold things get weird AF again oh and the talking demon cat is back wtf is this
I’m confused
Amelia Marie
What the hell 😭 it was all like jk this is the cute little sis not the shite one and then it seemed like the sisters where totally gonna crash their sisters wedding but lonand behold things get weird AF again oh and the talking demon cat is back wtf is this
Wasn’t expecting twins. Also, why did she use her sister name with that paladin guy?
What is going on????
that was not the sister but the cat in disguise? or my imagination just blast off to the sky.
What he do is my question 🤔
why would he do that to her sister ? that’s so weird