One who doesnt sleep I suspect it was that Kodon that spread info about him being human or he was manipulated to do so, by some other god. July 16, 2023 at 11:04 am Log in to Reply
Peerly1 WHY WOULD HE PUSH HIS LUCK AND CHOOSE A CLASS HE KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT?!?!?! That literally makes no sense??? Like choose one you know can ascend, HELLO?! July 14, 2023 at 7:50 pm Log in to Reply
One who doesnt sleep
I suspect it was that Kodon that spread info about him being human or he was manipulated to do so, by some other god.
WHY WOULD HE PUSH HIS LUCK AND CHOOSE A CLASS HE KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT?!?!?! That literally makes no sense??? Like choose one you know can ascend, HELLO?!