A country girl wouldn’t be scared of animals. Even if she lacked education as a child they learn by modeling adult behavior so she would have modeled her father’s and brother’s behavior. So her eating and clumsiness is too exaggerated. It is literally at toddler behavior. They tried to make her a goofy fun loving girl but instead she comes across as a child that has a very low IQ. It makes no sense an adult can’t learn after a couple of times or least improve . This shows again they are treating her intelligence as basically that of a toddler who has to have it reinforced continually.
A country girl wouldn’t be scared of animals. Even if she lacked education as a child they learn by modeling adult behavior so she would have modeled her father’s and brother’s behavior. So her eating and clumsiness is too exaggerated. It is literally at toddler behavior. They tried to make her a goofy fun loving girl but instead she comes across as a child that has a very low IQ. It makes no sense an adult can’t learn after a couple of times or least improve . This shows again they are treating her intelligence as basically that of a toddler who has to have it reinforced continually.
Manic Pixie Dreamgirl vibes but hella clumsy.