FabledSable Bruhh!! She wouldn’t have been in danger if you just didn’t call out to her in the first place🤦🏻 December 7, 2023 at 12:07 am Log in to Reply
star vs the forces of evil ML seems like a prick and they do look like siblings with the same hair colour December 3, 2023 at 1:30 am Log in to Reply
Pinkchik Dude they look like siblings at least give one a darker hair shade 😭😭😭 December 2, 2023 at 4:51 pm Log in to Reply
i really hope he isn’t the ml
Bruhh!! She wouldn’t have been in danger if you just didn’t call out to her in the first place🤦🏻
star vs the forces of evil
ML seems like a prick and they do look like siblings with the same hair colour
Dude they look like siblings at least give one a darker hair shade 😭😭😭
Yes go all bad ass!