You forgot the important thing. She has lived 2 life but none of them survive until she’s adult. That means the only people that she look up to can be none other than his own parent, which in this case just a bad daddy issues. Family or parent in her life, play a vital role to her growth, and well it seems in the 2 live she has lived, there are no parent that care about her genuinely. Imagine you as a baby just coming from your mom’s baby only have your dad besides you and don’t care about you, it’s normal for you to strive his attention. Because you haven’t learn to do otherwise. Why? Because no one teach you how. Get it? You could also use this logic in several story like this. I hope you enjoy your reading.
How weak she is. I mean her personality and her emotions. Should’ve used those precious times in her previous life to strengthen her prowess, without thinking that there will always be someone that’ll always come find to kill her. And that includes her father too.
You forgot the important thing. She has lived 2 life but none of them survive until she’s adult. That means the only people that she look up to can be none other than his own parent, which in this case just a bad daddy issues. Family or parent in her life, play a vital role to her growth, and well it seems in the 2 live she has lived, there are no parent that care about her genuinely. Imagine you as a baby just coming from your mom’s baby only have your dad besides you and don’t care about you, it’s normal for you to strive his attention. Because you haven’t learn to do otherwise. Why? Because no one teach you how. Get it? You could also use this logic in several story like this. I hope you enjoy your reading.
Why do i feel like all these manhwa writers have lots of daddy issues? Like why can’t they ever have a happy first life???
How weak she is. I mean her personality and her emotions. Should’ve used those precious times in her previous life to strengthen her prowess, without thinking that there will always be someone that’ll always come find to kill her. And that includes her father too.
star vs the forces of evil
Terrible translation strikes again
why whyyyy this manhwa looks promising but the translation is dog sh*t
Woah, another strechy art. These translator are something