Nobody loves you blue ahh bltch😭🙏🏻 even your parents said shlt we fucked when you were born so why not do the world a favour and shut yo trap stop giving dumb ass advice and get a real hobby or something
Get that funky bitch outta her she annoying me real bad why she gotta tell u that she divorced it’s non of ur business and he isn’t ur man stop being weird I hope he puts her in her place
When someone says i’m divorced you don’t say you didn’t mention anything until now. She has no reason to tell you about everything that happens in her private life. In that moment you had to say i’m sorry to hear that or something you are just plain RUDE.BITCH
Her eyes and her face are glowing with feelings:)
Nobody loves you blue ahh bltch😭🙏🏻 even your parents said shlt we fucked when you were born so why not do the world a favour and shut yo trap stop giving dumb ass advice and get a real hobby or something
why is that blue shirt girl so nosy like.. keep your questions to yourself
Girl got ya stinky ahh hands of her man
Busybody 🙄
Ughh this girl is seriously pissing me off 😭
Get that funky bitch outta her she annoying me real bad why she gotta tell u that she divorced it’s non of ur business and he isn’t ur man stop being weird I hope he puts her in her place
Exactly she is getting on my nerves 😤
Girl what?
When someone says i’m divorced you don’t say you didn’t mention anything until now. She has no reason to tell you about everything that happens in her private life. In that moment you had to say i’m sorry to hear that or something you are just plain RUDE.BITCH
What the fuck girl? FUCK OFF
she has been saying a lot of shit lately and made our kind girl sad and low self confidence. Can you die already??
Her dreams are getting wild day by day😂.. also what that bitch thinks of herself huh?!!🙄
Grand Marshall Bellion
I’d like to see the delulu open her pie hole just to be humiliated by Taeha
Ah yes.
The usual pains.
A normal Tuesday morning.
Or does that stuff only happen to me?
good thing coworker did that… I’d like ML to clear things up with her, she have been running her brain endlessly even though it doesn’t work well
Dark Elf KDS89
guys don’t worry she doesn’t know the tru