Lmaooo😂 she reeks of desperation it’s pitiful to read . And he’s just trash who should stay trash. Blue hair princesses is sick but why do they assume Severe means contagious. Cancer is severe but it’s not contagious A heart attack is severe. It’s not Contagious there could be plenty of reasons she’s sick and dying. I’m going with her father poisoned her hoping she’d die and it would start a war. Coz why he tell her no doctors and to hid she’s sick.
Frosty Wings
@Moonwater Exactly. She’s acting like there are no nobles ready to make her a wife or a mistress.
Frosty Wings
Lmaooo😂 she reeks of desperation it’s pitiful to read . And he’s just trash who should stay trash. Blue hair princesses is sick but why do they assume Severe means contagious. Cancer is severe but it’s not contagious A heart attack is severe. It’s not Contagious there could be plenty of reasons she’s sick and dying. I’m going with her father poisoned her hoping she’d die and it would start a war. Coz why he tell her no doctors and to hid she’s sick.
Lime Tea
Omg, he is fully in delusion🤣🤣 and that bish face is so priceless😌👌
Ohhhh that gotta hurt knowing that kiss isn’t meant for you! Hahahaha
Maybe u should listen to ur own advice and not cling to this one man
Go find someone that likes u
Ha ha!!! 🤣🤣