This is not going as she planned cause fl is actually an idiot . She lived in this kingdom she’s on her 2nd life she didn’t bother to learn about these ppl in her 1st life its gonna be 3 men competing for fl . She’s an idiot because she thinks she smarter than everyone cause she’s on her 2nd life but if she actually paid attention in her 1st life she would have a great understanding of who’s she’s dealing with. I really don’t want to drop this but if it starts to go a harem I have to drop I hate harem stories on both sides it’s not entertaining
In the novel FL didn’t say “YES” she was just dumbfounded by ML’s question.. he blocks her path bcuz he wants her to take him with her in the salon room/drawing room where the crown prince is.. (idk if cassadean knows who is the guest)
Lime Tea
Urgh, go away, sir😤🤨
No thanks
This is not going as she planned cause fl is actually an idiot . She lived in this kingdom she’s on her 2nd life she didn’t bother to learn about these ppl in her 1st life its gonna be 3 men competing for fl . She’s an idiot because she thinks she smarter than everyone cause she’s on her 2nd life but if she actually paid attention in her 1st life she would have a great understanding of who’s she’s dealing with. I really don’t want to drop this but if it starts to go a harem I have to drop I hate harem stories on both sides it’s not entertaining
He looks like a fool tho
Uwekkk🤮.. im sorry .. i have indigestion since this morning
In the novel FL didn’t say “YES” she was just dumbfounded by ML’s question.. he blocks her path bcuz he wants her to take him with her in the salon room/drawing room where the crown prince is.. (idk if cassadean knows who is the guest)
Woah there horsey
well that’s straightforward
Well… that was so straightforward
im here for the men
he just wants her power
Unknownmanwha crazy
Lol it aint funny
he is basically pulling the same stunt as damien in her past life
that’s my guess
Not a gift or a date? We’re just skipping straight to marriage, huh?
Of course… I bet it’s because she has divine powers
He said what now?! Really dude?! One minute it all it took for you to be interested man that gotta be a new record here