Aaaah c’mon the raws are like +10 more chapters already! Even though the TL is semi-crappy they are still taking their sweet time as if they have no plans to caught up to the raws anytime soon.
According to the raws (I don’t know any Korean, though) this new guy falls for our MC.
Guess he even comes to negotiate with the young master to get her for himself but obviously she refuses.
This incident impacts Edric greatly. He starts to feel jealous when seeing those two together and eventually comes to realize how he cares about him(her). When she refuses the other young master, Edric is deeply touched–since he doesn’t express his negative feelings as always and lets her choose for herself.
The other young master doesn’t hold a grudge either since he is smitten by our MC. However he doesn’t give up either, looking forward to see him(her) in the future once again. Guess he is the 2nd ML!
Quite the cute chapters we have ahead of us.
Thats why I’m more eager than ever for an update! Annnddd they are soooo slooowww its down-right torturreee!! Urgh….
Aaaah c’mon the raws are like +10 more chapters already! Even though the TL is semi-crappy they are still taking their sweet time as if they have no plans to caught up to the raws anytime soon.
According to the raws (I don’t know any Korean, though) this new guy falls for our MC.
Guess he even comes to negotiate with the young master to get her for himself but obviously she refuses.
This incident impacts Edric greatly. He starts to feel jealous when seeing those two together and eventually comes to realize how he cares about him(her). When she refuses the other young master, Edric is deeply touched–since he doesn’t express his negative feelings as always and lets her choose for herself.
The other young master doesn’t hold a grudge either since he is smitten by our MC. However he doesn’t give up either, looking forward to see him(her) in the future once again. Guess he is the 2nd ML!
Quite the cute chapters we have ahead of us.
Thats why I’m more eager than ever for an update! Annnddd they are soooo slooowww its down-right torturreee!! Urgh….
Chan khuman
Lol he’s rude
You’re talking in a bad way about master but you’re handsome so I’ll let it go for now