Rococochoco Funny how the father says the title should be in his family, if so why didnt you get it done before your son? July 21, 2022 at 7:02 pm Log in to Reply
Penachomiller It’s the timeless tale of talent the father has none but thinks the son should because he’s your son… lesson one in genetics’ if your trash don’t expect better from your son without guidance of how to not be well you(trash parent) August 18, 2022 at 9:28 pm
3 years??? he looks like hes twelve wtf
Funny how the father says the title should be in his family, if so why didnt you get it done before your son?
It’s the timeless tale of talent the father has none but thinks the son should because he’s your son… lesson one in genetics’ if your trash don’t expect better from your son without guidance of how to not be well you(trash parent)