HE’S A WITCH!! No really, he must be doing something to further whatever his end goal is. Ash, watch out girl, he knows you’re an anomaly. Or… He wants to body swap you, idk, I’m just tossing ideas into the void!!
i feel so bad for the queen and the plot definitely manipulated the winged royal to swear allegiance to yuriel. there is no way the winged royal would randomly swear allegiance to a random person who did nothing. heck, if anything, maybe it would have sworn allegiance to the queen since she let him out.
HE’S A WITCH!! No really, he must be doing something to further whatever his end goal is. Ash, watch out girl, he knows you’re an anomaly. Or… He wants to body swap you, idk, I’m just tossing ideas into the void!!
a whole damn chapter for a dumb bird. What a waste of time
More pages pls
Simply a passerby
Don’t think about it much
This story was messed up from the beginning anyway just wait for more chapter
i feel so bad for the queen and the plot definitely manipulated the winged royal to swear allegiance to yuriel. there is no way the winged royal would randomly swear allegiance to a random person who did nothing. heck, if anything, maybe it would have sworn allegiance to the queen since she let him out.