They made her a magic surrogate, my guess is the baby’s eye color is a result of the magic hence why they stormed out after first seeing him and killed the nanny shortly after
I think Yurigel and that other man (the king) found out the nanny used dark magic and forced her to make the queen pregnant but used yurigel’s genes to make the baby look like him. After that was done they killed off the nanny to keep it close secret. And I bet this whole was Yurigel’s plan. I f*cking hate him.
They made her a magic surrogate, my guess is the baby’s eye color is a result of the magic hence why they stormed out after first seeing him and killed the nanny shortly after
One who doesnt sleep
I think Yurigel and that other man (the king) found out the nanny used dark magic and forced her to make the queen pregnant but used yurigel’s genes to make the baby look like him. After that was done they killed off the nanny to keep it close secret. And I bet this whole was Yurigel’s plan. I f*cking hate him.
surrogacy with magic okurr
Ok finally I will now the fucking baby is blond………. I bet yurigel blood is mixed