Okay, seriously what is wrong with her food sense? Why does she think radishes & cucumbers are “sweet”, why does she put random things in scones, and put raw ficus leaves and muwort in sandwiches? She clearly states here that everyone loved her “plain” scones, but she never makes them. Is this supposed to be some “Ash” character influence bc the OC had zero cooking and sewing skills??
Also the Duke saying theres no better man for her to marry but any man is better than him who only or initially saw her as a keepsake.
I think that might be the case.
Okay, seriously what is wrong with her food sense? Why does she think radishes & cucumbers are “sweet”, why does she put random things in scones, and put raw ficus leaves and muwort in sandwiches? She clearly states here that everyone loved her “plain” scones, but she never makes them. Is this supposed to be some “Ash” character influence bc the OC had zero cooking and sewing skills??