@Emerald star Massive Spoiler for the next couple chapters (and maybe even the whole story)
So pretty much he’s going to see more of the library. So far we have been seeing the side with light energy (aka good lives) but nowwwwww we’re seeing the lives where he was purely the villain. But to open that door he needs to make the light and dark energy harmonize. After he opens the door he can do soooooooooo many new things. Ex 1 making everyone in a room depressed/fearful. Ex 2 Acting like he died and actually stopped breathing (this freaked EVERYONE out and rushed him to a hospital cause he smelled like death). Ex 3 He’s able to act like wild animals now (makes the best fucking stage for a werewolf). Tho I don’t exactly remember if this was with this library, but Ex 4 He freaking turns into a Dragon. Ex 5 He gains a kingly aura.
I’m am so excited to see everything in drawn out, that I might just make fan art of it before it comes out.
Is it demon lord time?
Grand Marshall Bellion
@DitsyMc thank you for the spoilers! 🥰
@Emerald star Massive Spoiler for the next couple chapters (and maybe even the whole story)
So pretty much he’s going to see more of the library. So far we have been seeing the side with light energy (aka good lives) but nowwwwww we’re seeing the lives where he was purely the villain. But to open that door he needs to make the light and dark energy harmonize. After he opens the door he can do soooooooooo many new things. Ex 1 making everyone in a room depressed/fearful. Ex 2 Acting like he died and actually stopped breathing (this freaked EVERYONE out and rushed him to a hospital cause he smelled like death). Ex 3 He’s able to act like wild animals now (makes the best fucking stage for a werewolf). Tho I don’t exactly remember if this was with this library, but Ex 4 He freaking turns into a Dragon. Ex 5 He gains a kingly aura.
I’m am so excited to see everything in drawn out, that I might just make fan art of it before it comes out.
Stand proud sakuna youre strong
Awww our Jun would look so cute as a villain 💘👽👍
IT’S FINALLY HAPPENING!!!! OMG yess I’ve been waiting for this. (I read the novel so I know what’s going on)
Emerald star
What going to happened next
Is it a good thing or bad things
Good luck seo jun ah TvT