Ah, Chul. I was about to panic when I saw the tears and was gonna be like, oh shit is he remembering? Does he remember his days of servitude? Or before he died? Like that would be awkward to stand before the man who killed you, yet the man you served. I almost died when he started blushing though, that woulda made for some serious comedy relief to let him become a simp for Jin Woo (Heck, people could ship if they wanted) at like random moments, but then I remember this is a Shounen Action Adventure story, comedy is rare and usually only seen on the shadow side).
yes, enjoying his youth the second time around. Because he has a goal now. Ignored in the first time line due to responsibility and gaining strength. This time, well, yeah, I ship them so hard.
Ah, Chul. I was about to panic when I saw the tears and was gonna be like, oh shit is he remembering? Does he remember his days of servitude? Or before he died? Like that would be awkward to stand before the man who killed you, yet the man you served. I almost died when he started blushing though, that woulda made for some serious comedy relief to let him become a simp for Jin Woo (Heck, people could ship if they wanted) at like random moments, but then I remember this is a Shounen Action Adventure story, comedy is rare and usually only seen on the shadow side).
Welcome back iron🙂
If Iron reacted like this I wonder how Greed will react.
finally an update. Iron was well missed, and those cookies are tiny…
Im ur misconception
yes, enjoying his youth the second time around. Because he has a goal now. Ignored in the first time line due to responsibility and gaining strength. This time, well, yeah, I ship them so hard.
Good for Iron, living the good life. Got teary-eyed on that one.
Hahaha they missed iron 😆
One who doesnt sleep
Nooo! Iron! Nooooo! WTF!!!! Aaaaaaah!!!!!