..thought I’d be able to separate things to be more organized on the text graph of the family tree..
But basically seems prev emperor had children with two different women. He and the dowager had Millard who got with the current empress to have the prince. And the prev emperor got with Valerie’s “mom” at some point ten years ago (taking into account the 9 months of pregnancy) and therefore Valerie was born. Considering the age difference between Millard and Valerie, Valerie’s “mom” was likely a young concubine originally, maybe one who pined for the seat of empress like a lot of stories. since Valerie’s mom was allowed to stay in the palace, the death of the previous emperor likely occurred sometime after the “mom” was found to be pregnant or after Valerie was born. So that gives us a bit of a timeline.
Death is too swift! Get a bunch of hungry rats amd have the eat her little by little! Begging for death but never being granted it. That is a fitting punishment
poor princess😭
I hope the empress and empress dowager are good people,she deserves love🥺
the prince and emperor seem like fine people
This seems like an exciting manhwa
I didn’t mean to post my comment, but I meant
He’s literally her nephew, i would be concerned for the author if anything else.
He’s literally her nephew, i would be concerned for the author
..thought I’d be able to separate things to be more organized on the text graph of the family tree..
But basically seems prev emperor had children with two different women. He and the dowager had Millard who got with the current empress to have the prince. And the prev emperor got with Valerie’s “mom” at some point ten years ago (taking into account the 9 months of pregnancy) and therefore Valerie was born. Considering the age difference between Millard and Valerie, Valerie’s “mom” was likely a young concubine originally, maybe one who pined for the seat of empress like a lot of stories. since Valerie’s mom was allowed to stay in the palace, the death of the previous emperor likely occurred sometime after the “mom” was found to be pregnant or after Valerie was born. So that gives us a bit of a timeline.
So.. I’m guessing the family tree is:
Prev empress+ prev emperor +Valerie’s mom.
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Millard + Lyla Valerie
Death is too swift! Get a bunch of hungry rats amd have the eat her little by little! Begging for death but never being granted it. That is a fitting punishment
Call me maybe
I say the mother is a witch so burn her 😤
poor girl. what a horrible mother, how could anyone do that to their own child? ☹️☹️
I am very concerned about the future relation ship between those two kids. Please anyone let me know if i should be concerned.
Update more chapters please🙏
Okay, so she is the emperors little sister? That explains things a bit more…..
poor princess😭
I hope the empress and empress dowager are good people,she deserves love🥺
the prince and emperor seem like fine people
This seems like an exciting manhwa
Oh poor little thing 😢, thank you for the update, can’t wait for the next chapter