Sister, I Am the Queen in This Life - Chapter 88
You don't have anything in histories
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she’s crazy😐
Uh nvm I pitied her but yea girl back off now ur doing too much
Yup heartache and pain ….
Crazy psychopathic ass motherfucker
just want this to update faster omggg
Apple pie
I’m going to skip the entire war arc it is so tedious SPOILERS AHEAD CLOSE YOUR EYES
might come back just to see Cesare beg to ari while he degrades Isabella exactly like he degraded ari in the previous life!
this women it’s completely obsessed with price.
nd her delusional thoughts are f****** next level.
I think this women lived in her fucking delusional thoughts!!God shit completely lost her mind.
This princess is just one big ball of inferiority complex whose entire personality is all about her “worth” as a princess of Galico. It’s why I think she’s so obsessed with Alfonso because finally she’d have worth as something else, worth as a woman (but deep inside she herself knows her worth is as a princess, but it’s what she uses to prompt the delusion that Alfonso sees her as a woman, threatening him that if he doesn’t act as she wishes then he won’t get the kingdom support). In any case, she is there for political reasons first and foremost so Alfonso’s private affairs SHOULDN’T be a problem, it’s not like she came there to marry out of love but again she wanted to cling to the delusion that she is a desirable woman so here we go.
The main difference with her and Ari is that princess delulu has everything in the world, except for a man’s love while previous Ari had nothing in the world except for the man’s love (or so she believed, anyway). Ari has never stepped out of line and harming people for no reason (cmiiw), she’s all about karmic justice and revenge. She was wronged by many, so she seeks revenge. Princess delulu on the other hand, take note Alfonso never accepted her romantic advances and treated her as respectfully as he could in his official capacity as the prince of the kingdom. He never treated her romantically to warrant her anger towards his personal romantic relationships. Unlike Ari who was in a proper relationship (regardless of his intentions) in her previous life, Princess delulu only has political relationship and he never once (cmiiw) indicated he had feelings for her nor have they established any romantic relationship. I guess there was one time the aide writing in Alfonso’s place might’ve given her funny ideas but Alfonso since then clearly acted with a line between them so. Tldr Ari wants revenge for the wrongs done to her (and ppl she cares about) while princess delulu wants revenge for breaking her delusion.
@[email protected] you are absurdly wrong i think you have to reread because here that bish is a bish all by herself not like fl you was tormented ALL her previous life, then trash garbage step sis and scumbag trash red hair manipulated fl “easily” because she longed any form of affection… So trash step sis asked trash red hair to easily seduce her to manipulate her because she longed for any affection 😐
[email protected]
I wonder…if Ari was like this in the first timeline. The only difference being Cesare pretending to love her in return. And isn’t what Ari doing right now…the same thing the Duchess wants to do? I think it’s all about perspective.
Mrs. Gojo
If anyone sympathize her…. I don’t know anymore.
this woman is going to get what she is looking for. cannot wait to see who queen handles her
damn the shit hit the fan way too hard
She is a complete psychopath