Sister, I Am the Queen in This Life - Chapter 75
You don't have anything in histories
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Well her mother cheated and had children with both her lover and husband. She could not run away with her lover because of her 2nd child. She is a cheater and blames the babies for her problems. She is disloyal and blames others for their disloyalty. She believes she is a victim when she is the one who sinned the most.
Bangchans rubber duck
I don’t get it…issabella is the second child right? Then how come it’s arrabella’s fault?
Bro wipped the poison out of nowhere
Well thankyou for that but I… NVM.
damit but she did fk u on face, that old hag died way too easily what a shame FL you should’ve at least told them what her shitty kids did pain infliction & this bitch why did she slept with priest on the first place damn this chap very sad wench died easily… no torture this sucks
my life” lol eve”n your life not that precious 🤣 she indeed have narcissistic side
you should have been dead anyway, “good woman”!
the first, a cuckooled’s bstrd, the second, a b*tch, the only angel was the third one, and you despise her! die, and let your son of love follow you in disgrace!
cesare hadnt been shown for a long time, wonder where he is
I don’t understand 😐😐
Then what about Isabella????
Arabella is the third child right?
If she had her son whan she wasn’t married then how the fuck did she merry with that Priest?
[email protected]
She never married the priest it’s an open living together
I thougt isabella is from the priest so she began living with him
Then she met her love and made the son and wanted to run away but she got pregnant from the priest again (bcause she played o be his wife)
Ms. Gojo
Help I forgot how to sleep
No, she already had that too, that’s nothing.